February Newsletter



Deliverance Temple

February Newsletter

720 East 2nd


Muncie IN 47302

Pastor Andre Mitchell




Apostle’s Legacy

We honor the Life and Legacy of

Bishop/Apostle H. Royce Mitchell

Let us Live like him. Learn from him.

Lead like him. Love like him.


Birthdays: We are so grateful and thankful for any of you who are celebrating another year of life this month. Every day is a special day, but we hope your Birth-day is extra special.


Special Announcements

1. We will be having a fellowship dinner immediately after service on Feb 16th. We will be wearing red at DT and will gather together at the Walker center for our dinner. Please let Elect Lady know if you plan to attend the dinner.


2. Remember to view our Black History Displays in the lobby. Take pictures and post to social media, but do not touch or remove the items. We thank Sis Rutha for this display.

3. Remember the families who lost loved ones in the recent plane crashes in DC and Philadelphia. Also, remember all the bereaved families in our city.



 Psalms 29:11 KJV
The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.



1. While faith makes all things possible, it is love that makes all things easier.


2. Love is a great thing, an altogether good gift, the only thing that makes burdens light and bears all that is hard with a supernatural ease.


3. The Love of Christ grounds, steadies, builds, and satisfies you in a way that’s personal and unique to your being. He fills you to overflowing measures with all that’s lacking.


Monthly Announcements

Sunday Worship Service 11:00am

February 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd

Wednesday Bible Study 11:00am/6:30pm

February 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th

Celebrating Black History all Month

Communion Sunday 2/2

No DT Staff Mtg this month

Spring Clean at DT Saturday 9am 2/8

DT Intercessory Prayer 9:00am 2/15

Love Sunday at DT 11am 2/16

(wear your red, see the special announcements above for details

 African Heritage Sunday at DT 11am 2/23

(wear your African or Black History gear,

we will have a special speaker from Africa sharing with us

You can still tune into DT services from the parking lot using  94.1 fm.

 Watch online live on Facebook or Youtube 11:30am Sun and 6:30pm Wed




The best things
in life are the people
we love, the places
we’ve been and the
memories we’ve made
along the way.

Love Never Fails

Love is patient, Love is kind
Through Jesus Christ, love you will find.
Love does not envy, It is not puffed up
Seek Him with your heart, He will fill your cup.
Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own
Be kind to others, for this God has shown.
Love bears, believes, hopes and endures all things,
Give love to all and blessings God brings.
Love Never Fails.
Dear Heavenly Father, we honor, appreciate, and thank You for all that You’ve done.  We thank You that You’ve carried us through to another year. Your Grace and Mercy is why we are here and how we have survived. For that we say thank You Father. We bless Your Name as the God that sits high and looks low. We call on You in prayer knowing that whosoever calls on Your name shall be saved, rescued, and delivered. We know that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. We understand You have given us dominion, and with that authority; we establish Your Kingdom and Your will on earth as it is in heaven. We thank You, that You hear us and have forgiven us of all our sins. We are aware that You are perfecting that which concerns us, and we realize we are not ignorant of satan’s devices. Therefore we cancel satan’s plans in Jesus name and we plead the blood of the Lamb over every aspect of our daily lives.
As it relates to our local assembly; we stand against debt, poverty, idolatry, addiction, rage, violence,  hatred, and death in our church and city.  We lift up a standard against the perils plaguing Muncie. We continue to call our church a Cancer free zone,  a place where God’s presence resides, and place where hurting people are helped  healed and delivered. We are believing for ministry growth, as our services reach those in the sanctuary as well as those online. We expect the Presence of God to be felt, we decree that the Word of God will be taught unhindered, unchecked, and uninterrupted by any satanic or demonic forces. We declare souls will be saved, disciples will be made, people will join, lives will be impacted, and our reach will extend around the globe.
We speak supernatural harvests for every giver and supporter of the ministry. We Declare Wealth and Riches are in our houses; and we ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance on how to best steward our money for God’s Kingdom Glory.   We ask that You would look on and touch any of our members, family, or friends in the hospital. We speak Comfort, Peace, and Strength over our prison inmates; keep them healthy and safe. Bring them back home, when and if You see fit. Yet, use them mightily and strategically while they are there. 
We also ask that You would  protect us whenever and wherever we are traveling. We pray that when we sleep, our rest is peaceful and our bodies are rejuvenated. We pray that when we eat, our hearts are thankful and our food is blessed. We pray that when we are at work, Your favor rests on us to accomplish our tasks.  We  pray that when our youth are in school or out, You would keep them safe, effective, and focused. We pray that we all, both young and old, represent Your Kingdom  well in all that we do.
We ask You to comfort all families who are grieving and have suffered loss. Encourage them as they pick up the pieces and move forward. We release Strength for our pastor, staff, and all our church leaders. We are anticipating Your best in our lives, as We Live Our Vision Everyday. Your Grace and Mercy has brought us to this point, and we know You can do exceeding, abundantly, above all we ask or think. In abundance, to the full, until it overflows. In Jesus’ name, we pray Amen!


Special Thanks
To all who fasted in January