Apr 22, 2019
The Greatest Comeback
Resurrection Sunday
  • Apr 22, 2019The Greatest Comeback
    Apr 22, 2019
    The Greatest Comeback
    Resurrection Sunday
  • Apr 15, 2019Father
    Apr 15, 2019
    Faithfully Attentive Towards His Earthly Recipients
  • Apr 3, 2019The Lord Saves Pt4
    Apr 3, 2019
    The Lord Saves Pt4
    Salvation in His Name
  • Mar 25, 2019The Lord Saves Pt3
    Mar 25, 2019
    The Lord Saves Pt3
    Salvation by Simplification
  • Mar 25, 2019I AM ENOUGH
    Mar 25, 2019
    Learning how to be Enough in God
  • Mar 18, 2019The Lord Saves Pt2
    Mar 18, 2019
    The Lord Saves Pt2
    The Process of Salvation
  • Mar 10, 2019The Lord Saves Pt1
    Mar 10, 2019
    The Lord Saves Pt1
    Discussing the ways Yeshua saves
  • Mar 6, 2019What’s on your Mind?
    Mar 6, 2019
    What’s on your Mind?
    Thinking on the positive that God has done
  • Feb 25, 2019You don’t have Permission
    Feb 25, 2019
    You don’t have Permission
    Reclaiming Your Inheritance
  • Feb 25, 2019Broken but not Beyond Repair
    Feb 25, 2019
    Broken but not Beyond Repair
  • Feb 22, 2019Slave Mentality
    Feb 22, 2019
    Slave Mentality
    Final sermon of the series which examines the effects of slavery on the mind
  • Feb 11, 2019The Power of Love
    Feb 11, 2019
    The Power of Love
    Examining the affects of love on the mind
  • Feb 3, 2019Access Granted but Remember to Forget
    Feb 3, 2019
    Access Granted but Remember to Forget
    Through PEACE God gives us access but we have to remember to forget the past
  • Jan 27, 2019The Subconcious Mind
    Jan 27, 2019
    The Subconcious Mind
    Learning how to find deliverance in the deep recesses of our souls (minds)
  • Jan 20, 2019Emotional Intelligence
    Jan 20, 2019
    Emotional Intelligence
    How to win the war that's waged in our minds
  • Jan 8, 2019Importance of Belief
    Jan 8, 2019
    Importance of Belief
    How to Believe
  • Jan 6, 2019PEACE
    Jan 6, 2019
    New Year's Eve service
  • Dec 30, 2018Good Grief
    Dec 30, 2018
    Good Grief
  • Dec 24, 2018The Prepositional God
    Dec 24, 2018
    The Prepositional God
    Christmas Sermon 2018
  • Dec 17, 2018Where is the Gift?
    Dec 17, 2018
    Where is the Gift?
    What are you doing with what God gave you?
  • Dec 4, 2018Who Am I?
    Dec 4, 2018
    Who Am I?
    Examining your identity in Christ
  • Nov 26, 2018Secure the Bag
    Nov 26, 2018
    Secure the Bag
    Pursuing success God's Way
  • Nov 19, 2018Choking Hazards
    Nov 19, 2018
    Choking Hazards
    Series: (All)
    Is there something choking your growth?
  • Nov 11, 2018Do You Believe?
    Nov 11, 2018
    Do You Believe?
    Series: (All)
    The story of Lazarus
  • Nov 4, 2018Willing to Change
    Nov 4, 2018
    Willing to Change
    Are you willing to change when you find out what you are doing isn't working? Luke 5:2-11